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Blog Archives
FAA is a fine art advisory firm developed from the partnership of David Remsing Fine Arts and Walmsley Fine Art Advisory & Research. FAA provides complete and thorough services in 19th & 20th
No. 1 / Oct. 20th, 2015
No. 2 / Dec. 12th, 2016
After the last 15 years of stark developments in the art market, David Remsing and Abbey Walmsley wanted to begin a series of interviews with some of the most important collectors and influencers of
The André Derain Project began in 2014 and was established in order to put together as complete a list as possible of the many paintings painted by Andre Derain between the years 1904 – 1907 (Fauve period). These are paintings that have previously not been recognized and catalogued officially or
No. 3 / Feb. 21, 2017
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